Project On Life Insurance In India

Life is very frangible and death is a certainty.  We cannot control the uncertainties of life.  But we can cover the risks surrounding us.  It protects us from the contingencies that could affect us.

Life insurance is not for the person who passes away, it for those who survive.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  every  bread  earner  to  guard  against  the  events  that  could  affect  the  family  in  the  unfortunate  circumstance  of  his / her  demise. Thus, having a life insurance policy is very vital.  Before  going  for  a  life  insurance  policy  it  is  imperative  that  you  know  about  various  types  of  life  insurance  policies.  Major among them are:
  • Endowment  policy
  • Whole  life policy 
  • Term  life  policy
  • Money- back  policy
  • Joint  life  policy
  • Group  insurance  policy
  • Loan  cover  term  assurance  policy
  • Pension plan or Annuities
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Project & Presentation


For a product capable of adding significant value to investors' portfolios, ULIPs have far too many critics. We at Personal have interacted with a number of investors who were very disillusioned with their ULIPs investments; often the disappointment stemmed from poor and inappropriate selection. We present a 5-step investment strategy that will guide investors in the selection process and enable them to choose the right ULIP.


Do as much homework as possible before investing in an ULIP. This way you will be fully aware of what you are getting into and make an informed decision. More importantly, it will ensure that you are not faced with any unpleasant surprises at a later stage. Our experience suggests that investors on most occasions fail to realize what they are getting into and unscrupulous agents should get a lot of 'credit' for the same. Gather information on ULIPs, the various options available and understand their working. Read ULIP-related information available on financial Web sites, newspapers and sales literature circulated by insurance companies.


Identify a plan that is best suited for you (in terms of allocation of money between equity and debt instruments). Your risk appetite should be the deciding criterion in choosing the plan. As a result if you have a high risk appetite, then an aggressive investment option with a higher equity component is likely to be more suited. Similarly your existing investment portfolio and the equity-debt allocation therein also need to be given due importance before selecting a plan. Opting for a plan that is lop-sided in favor of equities, only with the objective of clocking attractive returns can and does spell disaster in most cases.
3. Compare ULIP products from various insurance companies

Compare products offered by various insurance companies on parameters like expenses, premium payments and performance among others. For example, information on premium payments will help you get a better picture of the minimum outlay since ULIPs work on premium payments as opposed to sum assured in the case of conventional insurance products. Compare the ULIPs' performance i.e. find out how the debt, equity and balanced schemes are performing; also study the portfolios of various plans. Expenses are a significant factor in ULIPs; hence an assessment on this parameter is warranted as well. Enquire about the top-up facility offered by ULIPs i.e. additional lump sum investments which can be made to enhance the policy's savings portion. This option enables policyholders to increase the premium amounts, thereby providing presenting an opportunity to gainfully invest any surplus funds available. Find out about the number of times you can make free switches (i.e. change the asset allocation of your ULIP account) from one investment plan to another. Some insurance companies offer multiple free switches every year while others do so only after the completion of a stipulated period.


Select an advisor who is not only conversant with the functioning of debt and equity markets, but also independent and unbiased. Ask for references of clients he has serviced earlier and cross-check his service standards. When your agent recommends a ULIP from a given company, put forth some product-related questions to test him and also ask him why the products from other insurers should not be considered. Insurance advice at all times must be unbiased and independent; also your agent must be willing to inform you about the pros and cons of buying a particular plan. His job should not be restricted to doing paper work like filling forms and delivering receipts; instead he should keep track of your plan and offer you advice on a regular basis.

5. Does your ULIP offer a minimum guarantee?

In a market-linked product, protecting the investment's downside can be a huge advantage. Find out if the ULIP you are considering offers a minimum guarantee and what costs have to be borne for the same. 

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